To create an item whose information you copy from another item

Step 1 > 2

The Items List window should be displayed.

  1. Click New.
  2. In the Item Number field, enter a unique number. You can use up to 30 numbers, letters and symbols.

The backslash character (\) serves a special purpose in MYOB AccountEdgeóany item number that begins with a backslash can be included on sales and purchase forms, but they wonít appear on printed forms.

  1. Enter the name of the new item in the Name field using up to 30 characters.
  2. Be sure that the I Buy This Item, I Sell This Item, and I Inventory This Item selections are unmarked.
  3. Click Copy From. A message appears to inform you that any information youíve entered will be replaced when you copy information from another item. This doesnít apply to the name, number and description youíve entered. (If youíve entered a vendor item number, auto-build information or history information, these entries also will be protected if you copy another itemís information.) Click OK. The Select From List window appears.
  4. Select the item whose information you want to copy into your new item record and click Use Item.
  5. At this point, youíve entered the itemís basic information. If you want more information about the Item Information window read Other considerations when creating items.

Click OK to add this item to the Items List, then if youíve selected I Inventory This Item continue to Step 2, Enter the itemís opening quantity and value.

See also

To enter a description of an item

To change a list entry on a custom list

To delete a list entry on a custom list

To create an item whose information you copy from another item